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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

If you’re moving into a home with lingering cigarette smells or need to prepare your house before selling, call a professional for cigarette smoke rem

Cigarettes produce stubborn odors that can linger in a home for years. Removing the smell of cigarette smoke is a tricky process. While opening windows and doors to increase ventilation, sprinkling baking soda on affected furniture, and setting out bowls of odor-absorbing vinegar can help, many situations call for professional cigarette smoke removal to make the house smell fresh again.

Hazards of Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, which can cause adverse health effects for anyone who inhales it. The groups most vulnerable to secondhand smoke include pregnant women, the very young and very old, and those with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Cigarette smoke also leaves behind a residue that can damage walls, ceilings, floors, and furnishings. For these reasons, smokers should always step outside before lighting a cigarette.

Is it Harder to Remove Old Cigarette Smoke?

In general, new cigarette smoke is relatively easy to remove. In fact, if you keep on top of deodorization efforts, you may be able to remove recent cigarette smells with nothing but vinegar and baking soda. However, for odors that have deeply penetrated drywall, wood furniture, and fabrics for many years, professional cigarette smell removal is a must.

Steps for Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell

If you’re moving into a home with a lingering cigarette smell or need to prepare your house before selling, call a professional for cigarette smoke removal. Here’s how smoke remediation experts remove cigarette smell:

  • Assess the contamination: The first step is to learn the age and extent of the cigarette smoke damage. This helps the restoration team determine what remediation methods to use.
  • Purify the air: Air purification removes airborne particles that could be contributing to the odor. This step is performed using air scrubbers and filters.
  • Clean affected surfaces: While air purifiers are running, the crew cleans smoke residue and disinfects all affected surfaces. This is important to ensure leftover particles don’t continue emitting odors.
  • Deodorize the space: Eliminating offensive cigarette smell often involves ozone generators, hydroxyl machines, and other specialized deodorizing equipment. The goal is to reproduce the conditions that caused odor penetration in the first place, thus drawing out and removing odors from the surface.
  • Seal exposed surfaces: This step prevents a buildup of disagreeable odors in the future.
  • Restore the home: Restoration efforts may be necessary, depending on the level of cigarette smoke damage. This includes replacing excessively damaged walls, floors, and other materials that can’t be effectively cleaned and deodorized. The result is a seamless restoration that looks “Like it never even happened.”®

SERVPRO of Mandarin is available 24/7 to assist with cigarette smoke removal. Whether the smell is new or old, contained to a single room or spread throughout the house, our team will provide the most effective results possible. As an experienced disaster restoration company, we also offer fire and smoke remediation services. Call us at (904) 636-0044 today to request cigarette smoke removal in Mandarin.

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