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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Electrical Fires in the House

4/18/2023 (Permalink)

We understand that fires can be disruptive and costly, so we offer 24/7 emergency service to help minimize the damage.

At SERVPRO of Mandarin, we provide electrical fire prevention services. Learn how you can prevent electrical fires from occurring in your home, as well as tips on what steps you should take if an electrical fire starts.

Electrical Fire Prevention

How to Prevent Electrical Fires in the Home

Preventing electrical fires in your home is a critical part of protecting your family and belongings. Electrical fires can start quickly and spread easily, so it’s important to know how to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here are some tips for keeping your home safe from electrical fires.

What Causes an Electrical Fire?

Electrical fires are one of the most dangerous and destructive types of fires. They are caused by a range of factors, including faulty electrical wiring, overloaded circuits, and electrical equipment that has been damaged by heat or moisture. In many cases, electrical fires are preventable. For example, if you live in an old house with old electrical wiring, have the wiring checked by a qualified electrician. Be sure to identify and correct any overloaded circuits. Electrical fires can be devastating, but if you take some simple precautions, you can greatly reduce your risk of being affected by an electrical fire.

Inspect Electrical Cords for Damage

Electrical wiring is one of the most common causes of fires in the home. Over time, electrical wires can become frayed or damaged, creating a risk of fire. In addition, old electrical wiring may not be able to handle the current demands of modern appliances and devices. As a result, electrical fires are more likely to occur in older homes with outdated electrical systems.

Another potential cause is electrical outlets that have been overloaded with too many devices. When electrical outlets are overloaded, they can overheat and catch fire. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and be sure to unplug appliances when they are not in use. It is also important to have your home's electrical system checked regularly by a qualified electrician.

Keep a Fire Extinguisher in an Accessible Area

A fire extinguisher is a vital piece of safety equipment that everyone should have in their home. It is important to make sure that your fire extinguisher is easily accessible in case of an emergency. The best place to keep your fire extinguisher is near the kitchen, as this is where most fires start. However, you should also keep one in any room where there is a potential fire hazard, such as near a space heater. If a fire does break out, it is important to know how to use a fire extinguisher properly. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire and squeeze the handle to release the contents. Use a sweeping motion to put out the flames. If the fire does not extinguish on the first try, evacuate the area immediately and call 911.

Contact SERVPRO of Mandarin for Fire Damage Repair

If you experience a fire, it is important to have a plan in place. SERVPRO of Mandarin has the training and experience to help you. We understand that fires can be disruptive and costly, so we offer 24/7 emergency service to help minimize the damage. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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