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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

House Fires, Prepare Your Family and Home

8/4/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Mandarin in Jacksonville can help you prepare for, and mitigate damage caused by fire. Call us if you experience fire damage, 904-636-0044.

House Fires, Prepare Your Family and Home

Have you seen the new City of Jacksonville Preparedness and Response Guide for the 2021-2022 Storm Season? It's a free guide that contains tips for basic first aid, active shooter response, animal and pet preparedness, COVID-19, JEA resources, severe weather including; thunderstorms, lightning, tropical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, flooding, etc. It also contains emergency supply kit lists, information about beach and water safety, and house fires.

Do you and your family have a plan in case a fire happens in your home? What is the fastest or nearest escape route and where will you meet back up if separated? Here are a few home fire safety tips that your family should practice so you are prepared in a disaster:

  • Install smoke detectors on every level of your home and check them regularly, at least every 6 months.
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors and test the batteries regularly. 
  • Make sure everyone (age-appropriate) in your home knows where the fire extinguisher is and how to operate it. 
  • Identify and practice escape routes from each room of your home.
  • Make sure everyone (age-appropriate) in your home knows how to shut off the gas, water, and electricity at the main switches.
  • Pre-designate a rallying point to meet in the event of a house fire.
  • Remember to include your pets in your plans.

If you are a Duval County resident you should have received your copy of the City of Jacksonville Preparedness & Response Guide, 2021-2022 in the mail either in July or August of 2021 (one per household). If you have yet to receive it or want to view it digitally, you can GO ONLINE to the City of Jacksonville's preparedness website and download a PDF version. 

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